(605) 787-4858
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Located in the beautiful foothills of the Black Hills, Grace United Methodist Church exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We invite you to join with us as we journey together in following Jesus. We're definitely not perfect, but we're striving to be faithful, and we thank God for the gift of grace. We look forward to meeting you and hearing your story!
Here at Grace United Methodist Church, we are all on a journey of faith. Some are just beginning, some are along the path a ways, and most of us are somewhere in between. We all have a common goal - to grow closer to Jesus. As disciples, we seek to share his love with a world in need by being the hands and feet and voice of Jesus.
WORSHIP and Sunday Mornings
Sunday Mornings - Worship at 9:00 am
Like most churches, there are sure to be things we don't do perfectly. As God's people a part of the Wesleyan tradition, we hope to grow in grace throughout our lives. If you come on Sunday, feel free to wear a dress or suit, or simply comes in a t-shirt and jeans. Come as you are. Our worship music is a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary songs.
If you're new, we'll try to not put you on the spot, but feel free to visit with our pastor or let us know if you need anything. We hope our words and actions convey that you are welcome, accepted, and loved. During our worship service we'll praise and thank God for through prayer and song. If folks have burdens or struggles, we'll also lift those up in prayer, and encourage persons to open up with one another (as they're comfortable) throughout the morning. At about 9:15 we offer Children's Church to those in preschool through sixth grade.
Sunday morning is an opportunity to gather together, to worship together, to rejoice and weep together, to receive forgiveness and extend grace together, to learn and be challenged together, and to experience the grace of God together, to be shaped into faithful disciples of Jesus, together.
You are also invited and encouraged to come to our Adult Sunday School class at 8:oo am and to join us in Fellowship Hall after worship to enjoy a time of connecting and getting to know one another.
"Jesus Stories" - Worship Series 9 - The Bible Year Sept. 8 - Oct. 20, 2024
On September 8 we begin in the gospel of Matthew with "The New Light of Great Worth." Jesus came to be Israel’s Messiah, but he did not fit their mold. Instead of tradition, he was bringing something that was new. Jesus set the example, being a light that was clearly visible in the public’s eyes. Jesus also showed that entering God’s kingdom was worth giving up all else.
On September 15 we conclude our time in Matthew with "Humble Sheep... Or the GOAT?" Jesus often elevated the least to be of importance — children, women, sinners… — seeing their value in the kingdom. He encouraged having an obedient and humble heart — keys to the kingdom. Jesus also vividly illustrates that living these faith practices out will lead to eternal life.
On September 22 we dive into the gospel of Mark with "Right at the Door." Jesus says God’s word, like seed, is a bit of mystery in how it takes root and grows. He does tell us, however, if we’re careful and if we pay attention, we might learn a bit. And, he concludes, if we do not stay alert and keep ready, well, we’re likely to lose out.
On September 29 we begin in Luke's gospel with "Soil Ready to Receive." Jesus reminds us that at different times, we, like all people, are more, less, or even not receptive to God’s word. He reminds us that when we get a little too comfortable, we’re primed for a fall. Jesus then brings us back to a simple truth: when we are in need.. ask, knock, and the door will be opened.
On October 6 we conclude our time in Luke with "Rejoice! The Lost is Found!!" Jesus teaches on losing things — something we can and often do ourselves. We might not lose sheep or coins or children, but we lose tempers, direction, faith, relationships, and so much more. In and through all things God is working to restore our faith and our connection to our Savior.​
On October 13 we begin our journey through John's gospel with "Jesus Is - Word, Light, Good, Life." John’s gospel focuses on the divinity of Jesus. He begins connecting Christ back to the creation story. From there, Jesus is defined by the “I AM” statements. The first three detail how Jesus is the light of the world, the good shepherd, and the way, the truth, and the life.
On October 20 we wrap up our time in John with "Jesus Is - Vine, Gate, Bread, Resurrection." Jesus’ “I AM” statements continue as we work into the second half of the gospel of John. Christ declares that he is the true vine, the bread of life, the gate for the sheep, and, ultimately, the resurrection and the life for all who believe.
Whether you've got a question about faith or the community, or we can assist you in any way, get in touch with us. We'd also be honored to pray for you or any concerns you might have.
10060 Foothill Dr, Piedmont, SD 57769, USA
(605) 787-4858